Code of Good Practice for Mussel Seed Movements

Mussel farming in the Menai Strait involves the movement of small “seed” mussels from other areas to the cultivation areas in the eastern Menai Strait where they can grow to market size.  There is a small risk that these seed mussel movements could result in the accidental introduction of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) to the area.

Since 2008 the mussel farmers in the Menai Strait have operated under a “Code of Good Practice” which governs their seed mussel movements.  There have been no introductions of INNS to the area under this Code.

Scientific knowledge of INNS has improved since 2008.  Starting in 2017, the mussel farmers in the Menai Strait spent two years working with experts from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and specialists from the Netherlands to revise the Code in the light of the best available information and most up-to-date cultivation practices.  A revised code of conduct was agreed and published in September 2019.

The revised Code is designed to ensure that mussel farming in the Menai Strait continues to operate to the highest internationally recognised standards.  A copy of the Code is available for download here.

MSFOMA and the mussel farmers in the Menai Strait continue to discuss the risk of INNS spreading in the area with NRW.  Constant monitoring of catches and the seabed in the Menai Strait by the mussel farmers will provide an early warning of changes in the environment.